Maryland Votes for Animals 2018 Legislative Preview Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 14th for Humane Lobby Day! Stay tuned for details. #humane2018 Ban on Sourcing Dogs and Cats from Puppy
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Legislative initiatives are the endgame for MVFA. When our hard work pays off, it results in animal rights legislation actually being voted on by our government officials and becoming law.
Delegate Kramer to Introduce Humane Adoption of Companion Animals in Research for 2018
Beltway Barks 2017: Delegate Ben Kramer with George, a former research beagle and now beloved family member, highlight the Humane Adoption of Companion Animals in Research Bill that will be
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Governor Hogan Signs the Pets and First Responders Bill
The Pets and First Responders bill was our priority in the 2017 session. The bill gives First Responders civil immunity when they provide emergency medical care to animals. Thanks to our
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Governor Hogan Signs the Animal Abuse Compensation Fund Bill
When animals are seized in large-scale cruelty cases like a puppy mill or animal fighting operation, the animal shelters that take in these victims incur a tremendous cost to care
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Governor Hogan Signs Legislation to Protect Cownose Rays
The cownose ray enters the Chesapeake and its rivers every summer to reproduce. It’s also during this time that sport fishing and hunting groups, especially bowhunters, sponsor multiple tournaments on
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First Animal Welfare Bill Signing for 2017!
First animal welfare bill signing for 2017! SB790/HB455 is a technical fix to the current animal cruelty law. It requires that deprivations listed as misdemeanors and acts of felony cruelty are
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Maryland General Assembly – Sine Done!!!
2017 was a great session for Maryland’s animals! Thanks to your hard work and advocacy, here are the bills that passed: Pets and First Responders– Gives First Responders civil immunity when
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It’s 3:00 and the fire station gets a call. The first responders suit up and are on the scene in minutes to put out the blaze. As the firefighters bravely
Continue readingMaryland Votes For Animals Legislative Preview For 2017
Here are some of the issues that we will be working on in the upcoming session of the Maryland General Assembly. Please stay tuned for more information and updates regarding
Continue readingFive New Laws Mean Progress for Maryland’s Animals
Maryland’s animals will be benefiting from five new laws that go in effect this Saturday, October 1st: 1. Possession of Dog Fighting Implements with intent to engage in dog fighting
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Great Strides for Maryland’s Animals in 2016
A Terrific Session for Animals in Maryland!! Here are the bills that passed in 2016 and will be making their way onto Governor Hogan’s desk: Dog Fighting Implements SB 283
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Animal Bills Nearing The Finish Line
Dear MVFA Members, The session is moving quickly to a close in the next two weeks. Here is an update on the bills that made it past crossover: Dog Fighting
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Dear MVFA Members, We are almost halfway through the Maryland General Assembly Session! I have enjoyed seeing many of you in Annapolis for Voices for Animals Day and look forward
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Dear MVFA Members, Happy 2016! The Maryland General Assembly has been in session since January 13th and we have been working hard on animal legilsation! Here is an update on
Continue readingAnimal Legislation Update for 2016
The 2016 Maryland General Assembly Session begins on January 13th and it is time to gear up for 12 weeks of action! Maryland Votes For Animals, Inc. has been working with legislators and
Continue readingAg-Gag Unconstitutional: Huge Victory for Animals and People
A U.S. District Court has ruled (for the first time ever) that a state Ag-Gag law is unconstitutional! The case, filed by the Animal Legal Defense Fund, is a huge step
Continue readingAbused Animals – Costs of Care
SB-393 / HB-362 – Costs of Care for Seized Animals – will hold owners of abused and neglected animals accountable! ACT NOW on Care for Abused Animals Update END OF
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