Dear MVFA Members,
The session is moving quickly to a close in the next two weeks. Here is an update on the bills that made it past crossover:
Dog Fighting Implements (HB 583/SB 283) – Closes a loophole in Maryland’s dog fighting statute by making possession of these implements with intent to engage in dog fighting a crime in Maryland.
Puppy Mills (HB 1113/SB663) – Places restrictions on the sources of puppies to pet stores from puppy mills that have violations under the Federal Animal Welfare Act or are unlicensed and bans the sales of cats and dogs at roadside sales and flea markets.
Both of these bills have passed both houses of the legislature and will move forward with some minor changes to be signed by Governor Hogan.
Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act of 2016 (HB 594) – Requires that institutions that use dogs and cats for research make them available for adoption after they are no longer needed for research. Hearing in Education, Health and Environmental Affairs Tuesday, March 29th at 1:00pm. If your senator serves on this committee, please urge him/her to support this bill!
Animal Shelters Standards Act of 2016 (HB 494) – Requires written veterinary protocols by Maryland shelters and disclosure of their procedures regarding admission, disposition, and redemption of animals. Hearing in Education, Health and Environmental Matters Tuesday, March 29th at 1:00pm. If your senator serves on this committee, please urge him/her to support this bill!
Microchip Scans of Stray Cats and Dogs (HB 46) – Requires that animal control facilities scan incoming stray animals for a microchip and make reasonable efforts to notify the owners if a chip is found. Hearing in Senate Finance Wednesday, March 30th at 1:00 pm. If your senator serves on this committee, please urge him/her to support this bill!
Thanks for continuing to be the voice for Maryland’s animals! Stay tuned and stay involved as we have a few more weeks to go!