Snare Traps Pose a Danger to People and Wildlife!

Snare Traps are cruel metal trapping devices that use wire to immobilize the leg or neck of an animal. When a Snare Trap burrows its sharp metal wire deeply into its victim, the pain is excruciating. Victims writhe and twist in agony as they are left to bleed, freeze, or starve. Some die of strangulation. Animals have been known to chew off their trapped leg to become free, especially mothers foraging for food to nourish their young.

Snare Injury to Abdomen
A dog suffered this wound from a snare wrapped around his abdomen. | Photo courtesy of Trap Free Montana

HB 579 would repeal the prohibition against possessing a Snare Trap in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Harford, Montgomery, and Prince George’s counties, and repeals a prohibition against using, selling, possessing, setting, placing, or maintaining a snare trap in Cecil County.

Please fill out the section below to voice your opposition to HB 579!

OPPOSE: Snare Traps- Prohibition Against Sale or Possession – Alterations- HB 579

The American Veterinary Association has expressed opposition to Snare Traps, calling them “inhumane.” Snare Traps have been banned or restricted in 7 states: New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Colorado, California, Florida, and Rhode Island – as well as in 88 countries. The European Union has banned the sale of fur from animals who are killed using these cruel devices.

Maryland hunters already have ample tools at their disposal. This means of catching wildlife is a threat to anyone who is an unfortunate victim – a child running to catch a ball in the woods, a family pet, or any unsuspecting wildlife not being targeted. There are too many dangerous unintended consequences that are exposed with this bill.

Contact your legislators and tell them that you Oppose HB 579!

Say No to Snare Traps!

Thank you for keeping our woods safe for people and wildlife!!

Thank you again for being an advocate for Maryland’s animals. Remember, Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc. can only succeed with the help of animal advocates like you. Please consider making a donation to Maryland Votes for Animals at now, so we can continue fighting for Maryland animals.

With compassion,

Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.