SUPPORT: Natural Resources – Wildlife Advisory Commission – Membership – SB 320/HB 188
This bill would define the membership of Maryland’s Wildlife Advisory Commission to include biologists, conservationists, and recreational users as well as hunters to make balanced decisions regarding hunting, trapping, and fishing. The current Wildlife Advisory Commission has nine members but no representation from individuals with a background in academic research with expertise in wildlife biology, wildlife conservation, wildlife management, or ecology.
The Wildlife Advisory Commission must have representation from the scientific, wildlife preservation, wildlife recreation, farming, hunting, and fishing communities to make informed decisions from a variety of perspectives and experiences in order to best serve the needs of all stakeholders.
Maryland’s wildlife is counting on us to make the Wildlife Advisory Commission a place where their interests are represented!
Please contact your legislators and tell them that you SUPPORT SB 320/ HB 188! The form below will send your letter of support to your designated legislators, it only takes a few seconds to fill out and make your voice heard!
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With compassion, Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.