SUPPORT: Natural Resources – Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund – Uses – SB 310/HB 378.
This bill would allow the Black Bear Damage Reimbursement Fund to authorize grants from the Fund to be made for projects that reduce conflicts between black bears and humans. It would rename the Black Bear Damage Reimbursement Fund to be the Black Bear Conflict Reduction and Damage Reimbursement Fund and require a certain amount of the Fund to be reserved for black bear damage reimbursement – and increase the minimum and maximum amounts of reimbursement from the Fund per person annually authorized for damage caused by black bears.
These changes to the existing program would expand the Black Bear Reimbursement Fund and allow it to be used as a proactive tool to fund conflict avoidance. It would open the fund to residents and towns as well as farmers.
The goal of this bill is to take a preventative approach to reduce conflicts with Black Bears. The grants would be for projects that reduce conflicts between humans and black bears through non-lethal methods such as bear-proof trashcans, appropriate fencing, and additional programs to reduce the number of Black Bears that frequent agricultural and community areas with community support. The grants could not be used to reduce the Black Bear population by lethal methods. By taking protective measures for property, people, and pets, Maryland makes a worthwhile investment as the Fund would enable recipients to stop conflicts with black bears before they occur, saving lives and property.
Maryland’s Black Bears are counting on you!
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With compassion, Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.