October 1st Means New Laws to Protect Animals in Maryland!

-Banning Balloon Releases (SB 716/ HB 391) sponsored by Senator Mary Beth Carozza and Delegate Wayne Hartman prohibits organizing or participating in a mass balloon release. This bill, which would prohibition Intentional Balloon Releases, making Maryland the sixth state to protect marine species, wildlife, and our environment from the hazards posed by these balloons that do not decompose.

-Protecting Service Animals from Harm (SB 607/HB 234) sponsored by Senator Michael Jackson and Delegate Nicole Williams makes it a crime to intentionally harm or kill a service animal with designated penalties including courts being able to order a defendant to pay restitution.

-Agriculture- Neonicotinoid Pesticides- Sale and Storage (SB 375/ HB 208) sponsored by Senator Kagan and Delegate Healey strengthens the Pollinator Protection Act of 2016 by placing restrictions on how and to whom these pesticides are sold at retail.

-Required Education and Training for Animal Control Officers (SB 159/HB 281) sponsored by Senator Jeff Waldstreicher and Delegate Mark Chang requires that animal control officers have a certain number of hours for training and continuing education approved by their county.

-Pets for Vets Act of 2021 (SB 338/HB 563) sponsored by Senator Simonaire and Delegate Long waives adoption fees by local animal control shelters for veterans who adopt a dog or cat.

We are working on our 2022 Humane Agenda. Please sign up for Maryland Votes for Animals Action Alerts to get information about how you can let your delegates and senators know about bills to help animals in Maryland.