OPPOSE: Sunday Hunting and Archery Hunting Safety Zones – Statewide Authorization and Establishment- HB 1279
This bill would open ALL counties in Maryland to Sunday hunting by authorizing the Department of Natural Resources to allow hunting on private property and public land designated for hunting by the State and establish a uniform statewide safety zone for archery hunters.
Are the residents of every county asking for this change?
This legislation would presume that the interests of the residents of counties from Garrett, Allegheny, Montgomery, Talbot, Howard County, Baltimore County and Baltimore City are identical, or least very similar. In addition to statewide Sunday Hunting, this bill establishes an identical 50-yard safety zone for archery hunters in every county. The decision on a safe distance for archery hunters should be predicated on a variety of factors including the density of the housing units, the schools in that area, the wildlife living in that county, and more, such that allowing archery hunting does not pose a hazard to residents of that county.
Maryland’s 23 counties and Baltimore City have diverse topography, wildlife, and human populations. This is a local issue that should be up to each county based upon their unique situations.
Our Maryland County Delegations continue to be the most effective advocates for the needs of their constituents regarding hunting issues in their own backyards. This issue should be not be mandated in a statewide one-size-fits-all bill.
Say NO to statewide Sunday hunting!
Please contact your legislators and tell them that you OPPOSE HB 1279!
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With compassion,
Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.