Lifesaving Legislation for Maryland’s Homeless Animals

Maryland Passes Legislation to Establish a Spay/Neuter Fund

State-wide spay and neuter programs, reduce the number of homeless domestic animals, reducing the number of needless euthanizations and bringing down the public cost of kill shelters.Thirty-four states plus Maryland have established funding mechanisms to support spay/neuter programs to reduce intake and euthanasia rates.

No other disease or condition of companion animals takes as many lives as euthanasia.
(Janet M. Scarlett, DVM, Ph.D, Cornell University)

  • Destroying cats and dogs in shelters day in and day out places significant cost burdens on local government and takes an indescribable toll on shelter workers.  Shelters are overwhelmed with many working in triage mode.
  • This is a needless and avoidable tragedy.

Spay/neuter programs are proven to be the best antidote to mass euthanasia.  They are the most humane and fiscally responsible way to address the shelter pet population problem.

A state spay/neuter program is the best way to reduce Maryland’s euthanasia rate and the millions of dollars spent to destroy Maryland’s homeless pets. Maryland’s program saves lives and money.

  • New Jersey witnessed a 61% decrease and New Hampshire had over a 75% decrease in euthanasia rates after implementing state programs.
  • For every $1 invested in the state spay/neuter program in New Hampshire, $3.15 were saved in reduced costs for intake and euthanasia.

Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc. thanks the thousands of individuals, businesses, organizations, agencies, veterinarians, and coalition partners who worked to pass legislation creating a statewide spay-neuter fund using money from the sales of pet food in Maryland.

For more information visit the Maryland Department of Agriculture Spay/Neuter Program:

How can you help?

Join: Add your voice to the thousands of Marylanders promoting humane legislation in our state.

Donate: We operate with zero paid staff.  Every penny we receive goes into passing humane legislation and supporting humane legislators.

Contact your legislators: Let your State Senator and Delegates know that animal protection is important to their constituents.