Anne Arundel County Residents: Stop County Executive’s Proposed Unprecedented Spring Deer Hunting Season During Their Birthing Time

Friends, our deer are in serious trouble needing your voice now. Please call Anne Arundel County Executive, Mr. Steuart Pittman’s office at 410-222-1821. Tell his staff you oppose his plan to ask Maryland Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to allow a “spring” deer hunt during May and June, when the mother deer (does) are birthing their young (fawns). This is an unprecedented act expanding deer killing beyond the many months hunters already have in the fall and winter into spring and possibly summer too.

female and fawn deer

While this is a response to strained protein food resources caused by the pandemic, our deer had nothing to do with this situation. They don’t deserve to be killed for it either.

Talking Points:

  • Killing does virtually guarantees that her fawns, who are dependent upon her, will not survive. Any fawns who are fortunate enough to be rescued are treated at wildlife rehabilitation facilities. They do not get funds from the counties or DNR and rely solely on contributions to fund them for the good work that they do to save these animals.
  • Pregnant does need more to eat, making them vulnerable to hunter’s “baiting” with food.
  • Thicker spring foliage makes clear shots almost impossible, especially with bow hunting. This means increased wound rates and hunters less likely to locate the deer after it finally bleeds to death, causing even more suffering.
  • Safe required “social distancing” outdoors is not consistent with having hunters in camouflage in the woods with weapons, especially hidden in spring foliage.  Hikers and walkers are not accustomed to “ spring hunting”  as they enjoy hiking in the warmer months and might be mistaken for a deer in the heavy foliage.
  • Farmers can request permits to kill deer from DNR if they are having major crop damage.
  • The claim that county deer populations are three to five times what is healthy for our ecosystems is questionable without any support provided. Recall, DNR tailors deer management plans for specific segments of Maryland based on herd size for that area of the state.

Please call County Executive Pittman’s office to help save our deer at their most vulnerable time. Ask him not to go forward with this request. The number is: 410-222-1821. Please leave a message if necessary. We need to stop this precedent before it starts.

Thank you for standing up for our deer!

With compassion,
Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.