Fill out the Form Below to Voice Your Support to this Very Important Bill California, Illinois, and Nevada passed laws that go into effect this year to ban the sale
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Maryland Votes for Animals, Inc.
Championing humane legislation to improve the lives of all animals in Maryland
Fill out the Form Below to Voice Your Support to this Very Important Bill California, Illinois, and Nevada passed laws that go into effect this year to ban the sale
Continue readingOpinion: There’s Unfinished Business on Animal Welfare Legislation
Continue readingMaryland Votes for Animals 2021 Legislative Preview The Maryland General Assembly continues to face challenges due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Maryland Constitution requires that the legislators be present in
Continue readingThe 2020 Legislative Session ended at 5:00 pm on March 18, 2020, a decision in Maryland’s history that had not happened since the Civil War. Many emergency bills passed in the
Continue readingAnimal legislation has been getting strong support in 2020 from Maryland’s lawmakers. However, even after passing in their respective chambers, most of these bills will not have time to cross
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